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Cataloxy Clearwater...Jobs in ClearwaterCompany jobs Architectural FountainsFountain Maintenance Technician

Job Fountain Maintenance Technician

ID: 900292   0

Fountain Maintenance Technician, Clearwater

Salary range: $45400 per year

Summary information

Position: Fountain Maintenance Technician
Published: 12/13/2024. Relevant to: 12/29/2024
Job type: full time
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

Job Description

Fountain Maintenance Technicians are responsible for installing, building, servicing/troubleshooting, maintaining, and cleaning a wide range of lake fountains and aeration systems. You will also maintain a schedule of shop manufacturing duties for the fountains. We are currently seeking technicians that will use electrical, plumbing, concrete, shop and irrigation skills to service troubleshoot, and repair a variety of fountain types, as well as assist in the assembly and installation of new units. The position will require mechanical skills, customer service skills, regular interaction with customers and prospects, as well as being a contributing member of a great teamwork environment.

Duties and Responsibilities:


  • Maintain clean and attractive fountains.
  • Work with Zone Technicians to ensure that the fountains are maintained according to standards of cleanliness.
  • Vacuum, sweep, and remove leaves and debris from fountains boxes. Perform strainer cleaning, filter cleaning, scale removal and structure cleaning.
  • Monitor the fountains that the Zone Technicians assist with to ensure the fountains are properly maintained.
  • Oversee special fountain maintenance projects such as major equipment installation or replacement, contracted repairs, painting, restoration, de-scaling, and rust removal. Make recommendations as appropriate.
  • Prepare reports and/or maintain accurate records of fountain maintenance performed.
  • Service, troubleshoot, and repair a variety of fountain brands, as well as assist in the assembly and installation of new units.
  • Assist with all daily routing, scheduling, and pond treatments.
  • Have all the necessary tools and equipment on board, including repair kits for on-the-road repairs.
  • Have all proper paperwork, MSDS sheets, labels, etc.
  • Make sure all equipment is in working order.
  • Truck cleanliness and care.


  • Understanding of chemicals used, what they control, and all safety requirements.
  • Electrical experience and knowledge.
  • Basic understanding of application methods and equipment (boats, four-wheel drive trucks).
  • Ability to communicate professionally with Homeowners, Apartments, and other customers.
  • Understanding of outdoor working conditions.

About the company Architectural Fountains

Condominium complex

- Wheelchair accessible entrance
- Wheelchair accessible parking lot Details»

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